When filling out a resume, I used to pride myself on being able to say that I was internally motivated and didn’t need anyone to push me to get things done. And that was and still is true – but I’m realizing that it’s easier for me to stay motivated when the work isn’t as personal to me.
What do I mean by that? I’ve started to wonder why I haven’t been able to reach all my goals – where’s that motivation when it comes to regular exercise, or launching a side hustle, or fulfilling other goals that I’ve set for myself?
In my Nov. 6 post I talked about rethinking your bucket list and reframing it to your “get to do list.” In that post, I shared some things that are on my current list. I’ll be honest, I’m behind on my progress. So, what’s holding me back?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve accomplished a lot and I’m so proud of myself for what I’ve done. For example, starting and being consistent with Embracing Golden is something I’m proud of. But I see that as just one step on a full list of things I want to achieve. So, I’m using this post to give myself a pep talk.
Here are some things for us all to remember when we need a boost to stay motivated:
Set your why – and remind yourself of it often
For the last 30+ years, my “why” has always been my family. Creating and maintaining a healthy, safe home and environment for my husband and our children. And that hasn’t changed for me. It’s always about family first.
Give yourself a date – put it on the calendar
When I re-launched Embracing Golden, I set a timeline for my first post to be in spring, 2024, and I met my goal. Setting a timeline and keeping it top of mind helped push me because even though I was motivated and it was something I wanted to do, having that date really helped because it made it so much harder to procrastinate.
Break a large goal into smaller ones
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So, break your goal down into manageable pieces and work on each one at a time. Don’t get overwhelmed with trying to do everything at once.
Turn it into a habit – connect it with something else
I heard a presenter explain one way to help you reach your goal is to create a habit around it. For example, he explained that he works out for 15 minutes each morning while his coffee is brewing. And brewing coffee was a habit that he already did each day, so tying his workout to his coffee also turns it into a daily routine. It’s a great idea but one that I haven’t yet mastered. So, I’m still working on this one and will keep you posted.
Celebrate even small wins
Don’t wait until you reach the goal to celebrate. Even incremental wins should be celebrated. Are you 1% closer to your goal or better than the day before? Then that’s a win! Find even small ways to celebrate, because that acknowledgment also helps serve as motivation to keep going.
How do you stay motivated? Add your tips to the list.