Tween years for seniors
I feel like I’m in the tween years for seniors. Not quite there as a senior citizen, but knocking on the door. 😊
Remember how you felt at age 10 – 12? Finally made it into the double-digits, which was a big deal at the time. Looking forward to being a full-fledged teenager but held back by not having that extra bit of freedom and respect that comes when you officially turn 13. That’s sort of how I feel.
The feeling first occurred to me when I wrote my last post on senior discounts, because a lot of discounts are for ages 65+, so I have a couple of years before I can take full advantage of those. I’m close enough to see those discounts, but not close enough to touch them. No fun. But believe me, I use the discounts that I can for 62-year olds!
It hit me again this week when I was looking for an exercise class in my neighborhood that I can attend after work. There are so many class options available for seniors, which is great, but 90% of them are held during the day, so that leaves me out because I work full time during the day. And the reality is that more seniors than ever before are working full or part time. (That’s a future blog topic, so stay tuned). And because of work, many of us aren’t free during the hours of 8 – 5.
I’m envious because the classes offered during the day look like so much fun, topics like pickleball, Zumba, billiards and core strength. I know you’re saying that I can find these classes at any rec center or gym, which is true. The difference is that it can be intimidating to be in a class with 20 – 30-year-olds, who are in much better physical condition than I am. I’d love to find a group that understands if my knee is a bit creaky or my back doesn’t bend to the floor. 😊 I did find an evening line dance class that I started this week. It’s a lot of fun and I’m glad I signed up. It’s not specifically a senior class, but it’s a diverse group of students and they made me feel very welcomed. Now I’m looking to see what other activities I can add to my list.
Pre-seniors are an underserved market
This is one of the reasons why I had the idea to start Embracing Golden. There’s so much info and resources for seniors 65+, but not as much for those of us who are 60 – 64 and who are looking for direction, answers and a sense of belonging. We’re in the middle period of not yet getting full respect as a senior or freedom as a retiree. Feeling like a pre-teen.
So, I’m calling out to those organizations that support seniors and asking that you don’t forget about us in our pre-senior years. Create more options in the evenings and weekends for us to connect as a welcoming space into our golden years. And I’m calling out to all of you who are either in that stage or who have gone through it.
What suggestions do you have for me and others to make the most of our pre-senior years.